Saturday, September 22, 2012


I decided it was time to update my blog and keep it up more often.
Not sure what I'm going to do with it, if I should keep it a family blog or advice column or something else...
For now it's just about me and my family. We are in a good spot (emotionally) and are happy.
We are in an appartment right now, none of us like it. Well the kids don't mind because of the pool lol
We are ready to get a house. We are trying to get our finances in order so we can buy one. We are hoping to get one within the year. We are also in need of a bigger car, but I am not sure if we are able to get both at this time... fingers crossed.
Will write more later...
C'YA- got a messy place to clean....

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well I am now living in Fresno, and so far I really like it. The kids are doing great and so am I.
I had to take a break from school and I will go back in November. That was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I have worked so hard just to make it half way and to have to leave till November sucks lol but I know that I will go back and finish which is great!
I'm planning on moving to Reno next year to start a Midwifery business with my Mom. We are so excited! I have been doing nothing but research ALL day EVERY day lol
The only thing we are stuck on right now is the name...
anyways, here is just a little update on me and what is going on.
Thanks to my followers

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lets try this again...

SO much has happened in the last few months... I don't even know where to start.
Its late and the kids were at the dentist all day today so I'm going to call it a night but before I do I wanted to put up pics of the kids from today. They did so well, and lil Ella Pie was so brave. It was so hard to see her get her teeth fixed. She was "asleep" but watching the monitors and seeing her heat rate go up with each time they were working on her teeth, I knew (I learned in nursing school) that she was in pain. I couldn't do anything to help her but hold her lil hand and whisper, "it's ok, your almost done." She did so well.
Alex just had a cleaning and a sealant put on his permanent teeth, he did great as well. It was funny seeing him kinda out of it though, he talked like Robert lol.
Night, I'll do better and hopefully get caught up this week.
the pics are on my phone so I will upload them later lol

About Me

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Fresno, CA, United States
I am 27 years old. I was going to nursing school but have since stopped for a few moths to get caught up on family issues and moving. I will be blogging about my life, my family, my struggles, and my triumphs.

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